
Gurob Harem Palace Project Conference

Saturday 5 November 2011, 10.00 - 16.30pm

preceded on 4 Nov by a free lecture ‘Palaces and posh houses in ancient Egypt’ and a Gurob birthday party celebrating two significant birthdays

This conference was a great success! Many participants attended the great variety of lectures and practical demonstrations this weekend. A detailed report and a photoalbum will appear here shortly in the meantime, please feel free to browse through Anna's photo album on Picasa.


1. The latest news from our 2011 fieldwork – Ian Shaw, University of Liverpool

2. Ethnoarchaeology in the Fayum – surviving craft traditions and what they teach us – Sarah Doherty, (University of Wales, Cardiff)

3. Using a replica Egyptian potter’s wheel (demonstration) – Sarah Doherty

4. Bite-size feedback: updates on research topics. Anna Hodgkinson, U. Liverpool –kilns; Ivor Pridden & Jan Picton, Petrie Museum UCL – more on figurines; Liz Jones UCL / Hannah Pethen, U. Liverpool – mapping Gurob; Judith Bunbury, U. Cambridge – beads make people?

5. Objects in focus in the Petrie Museum

Conference tickets £40 / GHPP members £30, includes lunch and refreshments. Birthday party tickets £15 includes buffet, wine and soft drinks Organised jointly with the Friends of the Petrie Museum Venue: Institute of Archaeology, 31 Gordon Square WC1 and the Petrie Museum Cheques payable to ‘Friends of the Petrie Museum (Gurob)’ to Jan Picton, Petrie Museum, Malet Place, London WC1E 6BT

Download the application form here!