Gurob Harem Palace Project Conference
Saturday 5 November 2011, 10.00 - 16.30pm
preceded on 4 Nov by a free lecture ‘Palaces and posh houses in ancient Egypt’
and a Gurob birthday party celebrating two significant birthdays
This conference was a great success! Many participants attended the great variety of lectures and practical demonstrations this weekend. A detailed report and a photoalbum will appear here shortly in the meantime, please feel free to browse through Anna's photo album on Picasa.
1. The latest news from our 2011 fieldwork – Ian Shaw, University of Liverpool
2. Ethnoarchaeology in the Fayum – surviving craft traditions and what they teach us – Sarah Doherty, (University of Wales, Cardiff)
3. Using a replica Egyptian potter’s wheel (demonstration) – Sarah Doherty
4. Bite-size feedback: updates on research topics. Anna Hodgkinson, U. Liverpool –kilns; Ivor Pridden & Jan Picton, Petrie Museum UCL – more on figurines; Liz Jones UCL / Hannah Pethen, U. Liverpool – mapping Gurob; Judith Bunbury, U. Cambridge – beads make people?
5. Objects in focus in the Petrie Museum
Conference tickets £40 / GHPP members £30, includes lunch and refreshments. Birthday party tickets £15 includes buffet, wine and soft drinks Organised jointly with the Friends of the Petrie Museum Venue: Institute of Archaeology, 31 Gordon Square WC1 and the Petrie Museum Cheques payable to ‘Friends of the Petrie Museum (Gurob)’ to Jan Picton, Petrie Museum, Malet Place, London WC1E 6BT