2012 Site Diary

April 8th 2012: Lena Tambs

This is my very first season on the GHPP, and today the turn has come for me to write the diary. My name is Lena Tambs, and I am adding Norway to the long list of countries represented in this highly international team. As Egyptology and Egyptian archaeology can not (yet) be studied in Norway, I had to move to be able to follow my childhood dream, thus representing Denmark and the University of Copenhagen as well.

Originally I was to be working with Ole in the northern part of the site, but as he has already mentioned in his diary entry, we abandoned this area after we hit the bedrock. We considered opening a new square, again based on satellite photos, but as the backlog of ceramics were already becoming a problem, we decided not to do so. The quantity of ceramics unearthed this season is simply too great compared to the amount of people working on it, and opening yet another square would only make matters worse.

Lena Sieving

In nov-dec 2011 I was processing and registering ceramics on an excavation in Jordan, and thus I was instead temporarily added to the ceramics-crew. I have now been working on the ceramics for a week or so, and considering the amount of ceramics still being unearthed, as Anna has now started emptying the second half of kiln 1, which is basically filled with ceramics with a little bit of sand in between, I will probably stay in the ceramics for most of the remaining season. But at the same time I am helping out wherever help is needed, with some digging, solling (see picture), taking levels etc. Thus I never know exactly what the next day will bring, which makes it all even more exciting.

This will be all for now, but hopefully you will hear more from me in the future ;)